Tympanometry is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the health and function of the middle ear. It is a valuable tool for assessing conditions related to the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and the middle ear space, including the ossicles (tiny bones) that transmit sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear.

During the Tympanometry test, the patient typically sits in a chair, and a handheld device is placed into the ear canal. The device generates varying air pressures while measuring the movement of the eardrum in response to these pressure changes.
The primary purpose of Tympanometry is to measure the compliance (mobility) of the eardrum and the pressure in the middle ear. The results are typically presented on a graph called a Tympanogram. The Tympanogram shows the relationship between the air pressure in the ear canal and the movement of the eardrum.
Tympanometry is an essential test in audiology as it helps identify various middle ear pathologies and contributes to a comprehensive evaluation of a person's hearing health. It is often used in conjunction with Pure Tone Audiometry and Speech Audiometry to provide a thorough assessment of a patient's auditory system.
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